
Maintenance | Daily maintenance of automatic batching production line


The automatic batching production line is an important production equipment in the chemical, building materials and other industries. In order to ensure the stable operation of the production line and the quality of the products, daily maintenance is essential. The following are some recommended daily maintenance measures:

1. Check the batching accuracy: Regularly check the batching accuracy of the automatic batching production line to ensure that the proportions of various raw materials are accurate. If necessary, adjust the equipment parameters to restore the batching accuracy.

2. Clean the equipment: Keep the equipment clean and regularly clean the residues and dust in the hopper, conveyor belt, sensor and other parts. Cleaning the equipment can prevent material blockage and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Check the lubrication condition: There are many moving parts in the automatic batching production line, such as bearings, gears, etc., and the lubrication condition of these parts needs to be checked regularly. Replenish or replace lubricating oil and grease in time to reduce wear and extend service life.

4. Check fasteners: Regularly check the fasteners of the automatic batching production line, such as screws, nuts, etc., to ensure that they are firm and reliable. Loose fasteners may cause equipment failure or reduced batching accuracy.

5. Check the electrical system: Regularly check the electrical system of the automatic batching production line, including cables, plugs, switches, buttons, etc., to ensure that they are firmly connected, undamaged, and function normally. For the control system, it is also necessary to check the operating status of programmers, sensors, touch screens and other equipment.

6. Check the operating status of the equipment: Regularly observe the operating status of the equipment, such as operating sound, temperature, vibration, etc. If any abnormality is found, the equipment should be stopped for inspection in time to find out the cause and deal with it.

7. Regularly debug the equipment: According to the use of the equipment, regularly debug the equipment to ensure that the various parameters of the equipment meet the production requirements.

8. Train operators: Strengthen the training of operators so that they can master the use and maintenance knowledge of the equipment and improve the maintenance awareness of operators.

9. Establish equipment maintenance records: Establish an equipment maintenance record system to record in detail the maintenance time, content, replaced parts and other information of the equipment, so as to track and analyze the maintenance of the equipment.

10. Regularly conduct comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the equipment: Conduct comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the equipment at regular intervals, including checking the wear of various parts of the equipment, replacing damaged parts, and ensuring that the equipment is in good operating condition.

Through the above measures, the normal operation of the automatic batching production line can be effectively guaranteed, production efficiency can be improved, the failure rate can be reduced, and the service life of the equipment can be extended.

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